Monday, October 10, 2011

Augustus of Primaporta

The thing that stood out to me when I first saw this sculpture was the texture of the chest plate. It must've taken the sculpture a really long time to craft that. I like how it shows Augustus pointing off in the distance, as if he is talking to a group of people. The way the sculpture handled the cloth that Augustus is holding is really impressive. It crosses his body, and onto his arm very fluidly, therefore making the cloth seem very realistic. From a distance, it would almost seem like it would be soft to touch it. After noticing the detail of Augustus, I glanced down and saw Cupid hanging from his leg riding a dolphin, which makes sense since Augustus was a descendant from the goddess Venus. This is a very well done sculpture, and it would be really awesome to see this in person.


  1. Augustus came from a society that valued the ability to be articulate as well as be a warrior or government official. It was important to persuade or get the people behind you if you wanted them to follow. I wondered if he studied the writings of Pericles.

  2. The little guy at the bottom, Cupid.. so funny, he caught me off guard. I was looking on your page, this BEAUTIFUL, MAJESTIC, INTRICATELY CUT sculpture.... and then all the sudden a naked child is hanging from his leg. Like, WHOA, HOW DID THAT GET THERE!? I was sitting here laughing, like "why...?" And then I read your post, and it made so much more sense. Of all things, why put him in this though? I guess to me, I'm not used to seeing naked babies hanging from works of art. :)

  3. I really do think this is an awesome sculpture. What caught my eyes was the cloth. At first I thought he was just wearing the chest plate and the cloth but then I took a closer look at it then I saw the rest of the clothing. It looks like he's waving to people like he's in a parade to me at least. I love seeing little cupids and I like the fact that he's riding a dolphin cause I love dolphins as well :).
